I'm proud to say my ancestors were among the settlers who journeyed to Canfield in 1805, looking for a better life for their children. I have also lived around this country, returning to Canfield to give my daughter the same opportunities I was given.
I believe by bringing new business to our community - focused growth with the right companies - we can ease the tax burden on our citizens while still providing the safety forces and amenities we expect from a caring community. That's why I would like to remain on Canfield City Council
I care about this community - I want to be able to help shape its future for my daughter's generation as well as those that follow.
I was first elected to City Council in 2017 and was re-elected in 2019. I am at the end of my second term. It is an honor and a privilege to serve in this capacity for my hometown community.
Many people consider the council’s and mayor’s roles to be just part time, but I disagree. While official council meetings are held just twice a month – and once a month during the summer – I spend many hours between those meetings studying city topics, researching facts on issues, and talking with potential businesses and developers on the benefits of locating to Canfield. I meet with community stakeholders specifically around our central Green to find ways they might be willing to develop their vacant properties.
I serve on our planning and zoning committee as well as the Millennial Moments JEDD for the community being developed at the corner of Route 224 and Palmyra Road. I am happy to respond to any and all comments or questions, my website, www.electbruceneff.com, has a form to ask questions and has my cell number if you prefer to speak in person. My city email, bneff@canfield.gov, is listed on the city website, www.canfield.gov.
I think that good governing should be about ideas, and who has the best ideas. It strengthens a community to be diverse and inclusive, and focused on the future. Let’s get together on our best new ideas.
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68 W Main St, Canfield, Ohio 44406, United States
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Bruce Neff, Anthony Stratis, Treasurer